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The Staff Council is the vehicle through which all University staff participate in shared governance at Illinois State University.

The Council's purpose is to serve in an advisory capacity to the administration regarding the general welfare of all staff employees. The Council helps ensure effective communication between the staff, Academic Senate, Board of Trustees, Student Government Association, and other appropriate campus constituencies.

Council Goals

  • To provide a means of effective communication for the exchange of ideas and information between the civil service staff and its employee groups and the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the President, the Academic Senate, the Board of Trustees, and other appropriate bodies;
  • To represent the civil service employees to University administration and to advise the administration in the formation and implementation of policies and procedures relating to civil service employees;
  • To study and make recommendations regarding campus conditions of employment, problems, or needs, either at the request of the university administration, at the request of civil service employees, or upon its own initiative.